Monday, November 7, 2011


ImageChef Word Mosaic -


Santa comes at night through the chimney to full
Santa eating all the food left out for him.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Cross Country

The hole school on the court in rows from five to nine for x country.We had two hay bay ill two jump over.A existed hot day.

Monday, September 19, 2011


My speech is about ...My Beach
Sprucee!!!I was nervous and existed at the same time.We had to practise our speech every night

How to make yummy tost

My goal: is to make toast







 1. Put the bread in the Taost

2.Wait until the crust turns brown

3. Get a knife and spread the butter on our bread

4. Choose a nice spread like jam,honey,or marmite.


Have a Nice lovely peice of toast

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Time Tables!

My Knowlege goal for term 3 is to learn my two and five times tables.
2 x 2= 4 5 x 4=20
2 x 3= 6 5 x 3=15
2x 4 =8 5x10=50
2x 5 =10 5x20=100

Cross county training

Dianne is teaching us how to run properly. I am nine years old we have to run two and a half laps. I wish I was seven years old. They're lucky because they run two laps. My goal is to use my L arms.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Projsect Energise!!!

We have five people that came to Vardon school in room9 I think that I am going to eat 5 pieces of fruit a day that is ... grow. We eat lots of meat that is... grow again eat your breakfast do you? some are slow like coco pops,Nigerian. They came in belittles that aer blue with there logo there aer plastic food in a plastic box.

by Alexandra

Monday, August 1, 2011

Term 3

For term3 I am looking forward to...more artwork and games. The goal is do not rush in reading.